netrinjo File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
basicapp.h [code]Definition of the class BasicApp
basiclog.h [code]Definition of the class BasicLog
basicobject.h [code]Definition of the classes BasicObject and BasicSlot
basicthread.h [code]Definition of the class BasicThread
definitions.h [code]
defs.h [code]Definitions that concern the engine
frametimer.h [code]Defines the class FrameTimer
functions.h [code]Contains mainly string conversation methods
guibackground.h [code]Defines the classes GuiBackground, GuiFrame, GuiBorder, GuiRadioContainer, GuiPictureBg, GuiFlowWindow and GuiPageControl
guicombination.h [code]Defines the classes GuiCheck, GuiRadio and GuiNumScroller
guicursor.h [code]Defines the class GuiCursor
guidropdown.h [code]Defines the class GuiDropDown
guidynamicbutton.h [code]Defines the classes GuiDynamicButton, GuiClickableBtn, GuiCheckableBtn, GuiRadioBtn and GuiMoveableBtn
guielement.h [code]Defines the class GuiElement
guifader.h [code]Defines the class GuiFader, GAMMA_WHITE, GAMMA_BLACK, GAMMA_INVERT and GAMMA_NORMAL
guifileelement.h [code]Defines the class GuiFileElement
guifilelist.h [code]Defines the class GuiFileList
guiflowmenu.h [code]Defines the class GuiFlowMenu
guiform.h [code]Defines the class GuiForm
guihint.h [code]Defines the class GuiHint
guilist.h [code]Defines the class GuiList
guilistbox.h [code]Defines the class GuiListBox
guimanager.h [code]Defines the class GuiManager
guimenu.h [code]Defines the classes GuiMenuBar and GuiMenuItem
guimessagebox.h [code]Defines the class GuiMessageBox
guiprogressbar.h [code]Defines the class GuiProgressBar
guirotator.h [code]Defines the class GuiRotator
guiscroller.h [code]Defines the classes GuiScroller and GuiScrollBg
guisurface.h [code]Defines the class GuiSurface
guitext.h [code]Defines the classes GuiText, GuiTextInput, GuiKeyControl and GuiFrameCounter
guitextfield.h [code]Defines the class GuiTextField
guiupdown.h [code]Defines the class GuiUpDown
netmanager.h [code]Defines the classes NetManager and NetSimpleManager, MAX_PEERS and NETWORK_PORT
netpeermanager.h [code]Defines the class NetPeerManager, PEER_MAX_NAME and PEER_MAX_REASON
netpeersocket.h [code]Defines the class NetPeerSocket and MAX_PING
netsocket.h [code]Defines the classes NetSocket and NetStandardSocket, FILTER_SERVER, MAX_DATALEN and error codes
netstructs.h [code]Several structs for communication via netrinjo's network classes
netthread.h [code]Defines the class NetThread
rectfunctions.h [code]Contains methods for calculating with rects
sdlaudio.h [code]Defines the class SdlAudio
sdlfilemusic.h [code]Defines the classes SdlMusic and SdlFileMusic
sdlfilemusiclist.h [code]Defines the class SdlFileMusicList
sdlfilesound.h [code]Defines the classes SdlSound and SdlFileSound
sdlfilesurface.h [code]Defines the class SdlFileSurface
sdlfilesurfaces.h [code]Defines the classes SdlFileSurfacesInfo and SdlFileSurfaces
sdlfont.h [code]Defines the class SdlFont
sdlfontsurfaces.h [code]Defines the class SdlFontSurfaces
sdlmanager.h [code]Defines the class SdlManager
sdlmusiclist.h [code]Defines the classes SdlMusicInfo and SdlMusicList
sdlsurface.h [code]Defines the class SdlSurface
sdlsurfacecontainer.h [code]Defines the class SdlSurfaceContainer
thememanager.h [code]Defines the class ThemeManager
tinystr.h [code]
tinyxml.h [code]Declaration of all important classes that are used to read XML-files. The most important classes for netrinjo are: TiXmlDocument, TiXmlElement and TiXmlNode, but also TiXmlHandler
uifiletheme.h [code]Defines the class UiFileTheme
uikeycombination.h [code]Defines the class UiKeyCombination
uimanager.h [code]Defines the class UiManager
uiobject.h [code]Defines the class UiObject
uitheme.h [code]Defines the class UiTheme
uitranslator.h [code]Defines the class UiTranslator
webfilepage.h [code]Defines the class WebFilePage
webforwardpage.h [code]Defines the class WebForwardPage
webpage.h [code]Defines the class WebPage
webserver.h [code]Defines the class WebServer
webstatisticspage.h [code]Defines the class WebStatisticsPage
webthread.h [code]Defines the class WebThread
xmlapp.h [code]Definition of the class XmlApp

Generated on Wed May 9 17:36:40 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1