GuiCheck Class Reference
[2D graphical user interface]

A checkbox with a caption. More...

#include <guicombination.h>

Inheritance diagram for GuiCheck:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for GuiCheck:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

DECLSPEC GuiCheck (const SDL_Rect &r, GuiElement *p, const char *name, const char *t=NULL)
DECLSPEC GuiCheck (TiXmlElement *el, GuiElement *p)
virtual const char * getClassName ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void newguiobject (void *presult, BasicObject *o, void *xmldata)

Public Attributes

 the checkbox
 the text

Protected Member Functions

virtual DECLSPEC Uint32 onResize ()
virtual DECLSPEC void onInit ()

Detailed Description

A checkbox with a caption.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GuiCheck::GuiCheck ( const SDL_Rect &  r,
GuiElement p,
const char *  name,
const char *  t = NULL 


r the rect of the element's appearance, relative to the parent's top-left position
p the parent element; or NULL, if it will be used as top level
t the text, that appears next to the checkbox; may be NULL, if no text needed

GuiCheck::GuiCheck ( TiXmlElement el,
GuiElement p 

Constructor. Uses XML data.

el the XML data for initialisation
p parent element (or NULL, to take GuiManager::the as parent)
See also:

Member Function Documentation

virtual const char* GuiCheck::getClassName (  )  [inline, virtual]

This function should be overriden in every sub-class of BasicObject!

the name of the class.

Reimplemented from GuiElement.

Uint32 GuiCheck::onResize (  )  [protected, virtual]

This event is called, when the element changed its place or size.

currently the result is not used; may be zero, if no error...

Reimplemented from GuiElement.

void GuiCheck::onInit (  )  [protected, virtual]

Initializes the object's variables by reading data from the XML element. If there were no XML data used for creation, nothing is done. This function calls onInit() of its children recursively (after it has inited itself). It is highly recommended to call BasicObject::onInit(), usually at the end of the onInit() method, when overwriting it in a derived class.

Reimplemented from GuiElement.

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Generated on Wed May 9 17:36:13 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1