Netrinjo is a game engine, designed to minimize the programming effort, concerning the basic application development. One should be able to start implementing the game without the need to deal a lot with things that are required in every game: menus, loading data, ....
Furthermore there are classes for networking and the GUI (sound, input, graphics).
The following environment strings are set by the application:
DATAPATH (contains the path to the application's data directory, see BasicApp::getDataPath(), but does not end with '/')
USERPATH (contains the path to the user's data directory, see BasicApp::getUserdataPath(), but does not end with '/')
EXEPATH (the absolute path to the folder, in which the executable is, see BasicApp::getExePath(), but does not end with '/')
When using the method makeEnvPath(), it is simple to specify filenames relative to these data-paths. Example:
Avoid using paths relative to the current working directory, because it can change sometimes. Generated on Wed May 9 17:35:55 2007 for netrinjo by