functions.h File Reference

Contains mainly string conversation methods. More...

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DECLSPEC const char * intToStr (int i, int base=10)
DECLSPEC char * intToStr (int i, char *buf, int base=10)
DECLSPEC char * uintToStr (unsigned int i, char *buf, unsigned int base=10)
DECLSPEC Uint32 xStrToUL (const char *str, bool *err=NULL)
DECLSPEC SDL_Rect strToRect (const char *str)
DECLSPEC bool strToBool (const char *s)
DECLSPEC Uint32 strToIP (const char *str)
DECLSPEC IPaddress strToIPaddress (const char *str)
DECLSPEC SDLKey strToKey (const char *str)
DECLSPEC SDLMod strToMod (const char *str)
DECLSPEC int byteToStr (Uint8 b, char *buf)
DECLSPEC const char * IPToStr (Uint32 ip, char *buf)
DECLSPEC const char * IPToStr (const IPaddress &ip, char *buf)
DECLSPEC SDL_Color ULToColor (Uint32 v)
DECLSPEC const char * getUserDirectory ()
DECLSPEC std::string makeEnvStr (const char *str)
DECLSPEC std::string makeEnvPath (const char *str)
DECLSPEC bool patMatch (const char *pattern, const char *string)
DECLSPEC bool patiMatch (const char *pattern, const char *string)
char * getLocalIP (bool bIPv4=true)

Detailed Description

Contains mainly string conversation methods.

Required header file:

 #include <functions.h> 

With including this file you get all important string conversation methods, that are used by the Netrinjo engine. You can convert numbers, boolean expressions, IP-addresses and colors in both ways to a string and from a string.

Furthermore the function getUserDirectory is declared here.

Used Abbreviation:
NBO: Network Byte Order

Function Documentation

DECLSPEC int byteToStr ( Uint8  b,
char *  buf 

Converts a byte to a string.

b The number to convert
buf Pointer to reserved space, where the number will be stored in form of a string
the number of affected chars in buf

char* getLocalIP ( bool  bIPv4 = true  ) 

Gets the local IP-address (only for UNIX-based platforms).

bIPv4 if true, IPv4-addresses are prefered; otherwise IPv6-addresses this does not guarantee, that the result is of that kind.
a NUL-terminated string, containing the local IP-address.
the result will never be "". If the computer is connected to more than one network, the result is one of the assigned addresses.
code taken from, but modified a little.

DECLSPEC const char* getUserDirectory (  ) 

the directory of the user, who executes the app (e.g.: "/home/username")

DECLSPEC char* intToStr ( int  i,
char *  buf,
int  base = 10 

Converts an integer value to a string. This function is thread safe.

intToStr does mostly not return the param buf!
i The number to convert
buf A pointer to reserved space of at least 33 characters
base The base to use, if it's less than 2, 2 will be used; if it's above 36, 36 will be used.
a pointer to the string with the converted number, usually not equal to buf.

DECLSPEC const char* intToStr ( int  i,
int  base = 10 

Converts an integer value to a string.

This is not thread-safe, use intToStr( int i, char *buf, int base ) instead, if you need thread safity.
i The number to convert
base The base to use, if it's less than 2, 2 will be used; if it's above 36, 36 will be used.
a pointer to the string with the converted number; the result points to a static variable, so you have to use the result before calling this function again.

DECLSPEC const char* IPToStr ( const IPaddress &  ip,
char *  buf 

Converts an IP address (in NBO) with the portnumber to a string in the following format:

ip The IP address to convert
buf Pointer to reserved space, where the IP address will be stored

DECLSPEC const char* IPToStr ( Uint32  ip,
char *  buf 

Converts an IP address (in NBO) without the portnumber to a string in the following format:

ip The IP address to convert
buf Pointer to reserved space, where the IP address will be stored

DECLSPEC std::string makeEnvPath ( const char *  str  ) 

Does the same as makeEnvStr(), but replaces a leading "~/" by the user's home directory. E.g: "~/.netrinjo" will become "/home/username/.netrinjo", if the user's home is at "/home/username".

str the string to parse
the string with the replaced data

DECLSPEC std::string makeEnvStr ( const char *  str  ) 

Replaces the ocurrencies of "$(...)" with the content of the specified environment variable. E.g.: "$(USERNAME)" will be replaced by the user's name.

str the string to parse
the string with the replaced data

DECLSPEC bool patiMatch ( const char *  pattern,
const char *  string 

Case-insensitive pattern match

pattern the pattern
string the string, that is checked to match the pattern
true if string matches the pattern, false if not
member "Mik" at

DECLSPEC bool patMatch ( const char *  pattern,
const char *  string 

Case-sensitive pattern match

pattern the pattern
string the string, that is checked to match the pattern
true if string matches the pattern, false if not
member "Mik" at

DECLSPEC bool strToBool ( const char *  s  ) 

Converts a string to a boolean value.

s The string to read (case insensitive)
true if s is: "+", "1", "true", "yes" or "y", false otherwise

DECLSPEC Uint32 strToIP ( const char *  str  ) 

Converts a string to an IPv4-value (in NBO),

str can either be a single decimal number or consist of 4 decimal byte-numbers, separated by a '.' (no spaces/tabs allowed)
the IP address in network-byte-order

DECLSPEC IPaddress strToIPaddress ( const char *  str  ) 

Converts a string to an IPv4-address-value (in NBO) like strToIP(..) if there is a ':' in the string, the number behind the ':' is read as the port.

str The string to convert.
The IP address, represented by str.

DECLSPEC SDLKey strToKey ( const char *  str  ) 

Converts a string to a SDLKey value.

str The string to convert.
The SDL_Key, represented by str.

DECLSPEC SDLMod strToMod ( const char *  str  ) 

Converts a string to a key modifier (may be a combination, separated by '+').

str The string to convert.
The key modifier, represented by str.

DECLSPEC SDL_Rect strToRect ( const char *  str  ) 

verify ',' as separator

DECLSPEC char* uintToStr ( unsigned int  i,
char *  buf,
unsigned int  base = 10 

Converts an unsigned integer value to a string. This function is thread safe. See intToStr( int i, char *buf, int base ) for more information.

DECLSPEC SDL_Color ULToColor ( Uint32  v  ) 

Converts an unsigned integer value to a SDL_Color-value.

v The number to convert: the blue-value is the lowest byte, green is middle-value, red-value is 2nd-highest (bits 16..23), the highest byte is ignored
The value in form of a color

DECLSPEC Uint32 xStrToUL ( const char *  str,
bool *  err = NULL 

Converts a string to an unsigned long value, the base is usually 10, but it changes, if the number-string has a special prefix:

prefix => base
0q, q => 4
0, 0o, o => 8
0x, x, #, h, $ => 16
0b, b => 2
0d, d => 10
str The string to convert.
err is assigned true, if the string could not be converted, otherwise false is assigned; if it is NULL, it is ignored
The number, that str represents.

Generated on Wed May 9 17:35:57 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1