netsocket.h File Reference

Defines the classes NetSocket and NetStandardSocket, FILTER_SERVER, MAX_DATALEN and error codes. More...

#include "SDL/SDL_net.h"
#include "basicobject.h"

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class  NetSocket
 The basic network socket class. More...
class  NetStandardSocket
 The basic network socket class. More...


#define FILTER_SERVER   1
 filter for the socket to the main, unique server in a network
#define MAX_DATALEN   0xFFFE
 max. lenght of a TCP-message; size of "data" to be allocated when calling NetSocket::readdata(data)
#define E_NET_NONE   0
#define E_NET_NO_HOST   -16
#define E_NET_DISCONNECTED   -17
#define E_NET_RAW_DATA   -32
#define E_NET_BUFTOOSMALL   -33
#define E_NET_OTHER   -64

Detailed Description

Defines the classes NetSocket and NetStandardSocket, FILTER_SERVER, MAX_DATALEN and error codes.

Define Documentation

#define E_NET_BUFTOOSMALL   -33

The packet is larger than the buffer, where it should be stored.

#define E_NET_DISCONNECTED   -17

The host disconnected the connection

#define E_NET_NO_HOST   -16

No host is specified (socket is not initialized)

#define E_NET_NONE   0

No error occured, all fine.

#define E_NET_OTHER   -64

Another error occured.

#define E_NET_RAW_DATA   -32

The message's data is not compatible to the format of the message handler.

Generated on Wed May 9 17:36:03 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1