netrinjo Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BasicAppBasic functions to handle the application
BasicLogBasic functions for debugging, using a log file
BasicObjectBase class for most Netrinjo-classes
BasicSlotStores an event's slot (function pointer and name)
BasicThreadBasic functions to handle threads
FrameTimerHandles timers, their intervals and activity
GuiBackgroundA class for filling a rect with a color
GuiBorderDraws a border at its rect boundaries
GuiCheckA checkbox with a caption
GuiCheckableBtnA class for buttons that can be checked
GuiClickableBtnA class for buttons that respond on clicks
GuiCursorA class for showing a simple mouse cursor
GuiDropDownA drop down list
GuiDynamicButtonA base class for buttons
GuiElementBase class for all graphical user interface objects
GuiFaderThe class to use for manipulating color appearance
GuiFileElementA GUI class that creates subelements as specified in a XML-file
GuiFileListA class for displaying a listbox containing filenames
GuiFlowMenuA class for showing a menu that (dis-)appears by flying out of/into the screen
GuiFlowMenuItemA single menu item for a GuiFlowMenu
GuiFlowWindowA window that can move from a position to another
GuiFormA class for formulars
GuiFrameA simple class, that appears different, if the cursor is above it
GuiFrameCounterPrints the current framerate onto the screen
GuiHintA class to display hints
GuiKeyControlDisplays a key that can be modified by the user
GuiListBoxA class for listboxes
GuiManagerManages 2D graphics functions and user actions
GuiMenuBarA container class for GuiMenuItems, to show menus
GuiMenuItemUsed to show items of menus
GuiMessageBoxA class for message boxes
GuiMovableBtnA class for buttons that can be moved by the user
GuiNumScrollerA scroller with a text, containing the scroller's value
GuiPageControlA class for page controls
GuiPictureBgAn object with a picture as background
GuiProgressBarA class to display the progress of some calculation
GuiRadioA radio button with text
GuiRadioBtnA class for radio buttons
GuiRadioContainerA container class for radio buttons
GuiRotatorA class to display rotating pictures
GuiScrollBgA class to display a large object in a small area by using scrollbars
GuiScrollerA class for scrollbars
GuiSurfaceA simple class for reducing the number of blits per frame
GuiTextDisplays a text
GuiTextFieldA class to display moving text
GuiTextInputA field, where the user can write text into
GuiUpDownA class, in which the user can enter a number
NetBasicManagerBasic class for managing network transfers
NetPeerManagerA peer to peer network managing class, derived from NetBasicManager
NetPeerSocketA peer to peer network socket class, derived from NetStandardSocket
NetSimpleManagerA very simple class, derived from NetBasicManager
NetSocketThe basic network socket class
NetStandardSocketThe basic network socket class
NetThreadA class for polling network interfaces regularly
SdlAudioBase class for an audio resource
SdlFileMusicSimple class for songs, loaded from a WAV/OGG file
SdlFileMusicListA class to load and manage playlist files
SdlFileSoundSimple class for sounds, loaded from a wave-file
SdlFileSurfaceA class for a graphical surface resource, loaded from a file
SdlFileSurfacesManages some graphical resources, loaded from one file
SdlFileSurfacesInfoLoads initialisation data for file-surfaces from a file
SdlFontUsed to write text with a specific font
SdlFontSurfacesCreates surfaces for SdlFont out of a ttf-file
SdlManagerThe central class, that manages Sdl*-classes
SdlMusicBase class for music (long audio data)
SdlMusicInfoBase class for managing a list of music resources
SdlMusicListBase class for managing a list of music resources
SdlSoundBase class for sounds (short audio data)
SdlSurfaceBase class for a graphical surface resource to draw on
SdlSurfaceContainerBase class for managing some graphical surface resources
SignalMultiplierForwards an event to many slots
ThemeManagerHandles themes (the look and feel)
UiFileThemeA theme-class, which loads its data from a text based file
UiFileTranslatorTranslation class, which reads the expressions from a text based file
UiKeyCombinationThis class handles events on key cominations
UiManagerManager of user interface objects
UiObjectBase class for all objects, that have a managed user interface
UiThemeBase class for all themes, used for easy change of look and feel
UiTranslatorBase class for doing translation
WebFilePageA class for simple publishing of a file in the web
WebForwardPageA class for forwarding an URI to another URI
WebPageThe basic class for publishing data in the web
WebServerThe central class of the webserver
WebStatisticsPageA class for showing game statistics
WebThreadUsed to respond on web requests asynchronously
XmlAppA class to make game development very easy and fast

Generated on Wed May 9 17:36:10 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1