2D graphical user interface

Collaboration diagram for 2D graphical user interface:


file  guibackground.h
 Defines the classes GuiBackground, GuiFrame, GuiBorder, GuiRadioContainer, GuiPictureBg, GuiFlowWindow and GuiPageControl.
file  guicombination.h
 Defines the classes GuiCheck, GuiRadio and GuiNumScroller.
file  guicursor.h
 Defines the class GuiCursor.
file  guidropdown.h
 Defines the class GuiDropDown.
file  guidynamicbutton.h
 Defines the classes GuiDynamicButton, GuiClickableBtn, GuiCheckableBtn, GuiRadioBtn and GuiMoveableBtn.
file  guielement.h
 Defines the class GuiElement.
file  guifader.h
file  guifileelement.h
 Defines the class GuiFileElement.
file  guifilelist.h
 Defines the class GuiFileList.
file  guiflowmenu.h
 Defines the class GuiFlowMenu.
file  guiform.h
 Defines the class GuiForm.
file  guihint.h
 Defines the class GuiHint.
file  guilist.h
 Defines the class GuiList.
file  guilistbox.h
 Defines the class GuiListBox.
file  guimanager.h
 Defines the class GuiManager.
file  guimenu.h
 Defines the classes GuiMenuBar and GuiMenuItem.
file  guimessagebox.h
 Defines the class GuiMessageBox.
file  guiprogressbar.h
 Defines the class GuiProgressBar.
file  guirotator.h
 Defines the class GuiRotator.
file  guiscroller.h
 Defines the classes GuiScroller and GuiScrollBg.
file  guisurface.h
 Defines the class GuiSurface.
file  guitext.h
 Defines the classes GuiText, GuiTextInput, GuiKeyControl and GuiFrameCounter.
file  guitextfield.h
 Defines the class GuiTextField.
file  guiupdown.h
 Defines the class GuiUpDown.


class  GuiBackground
 A class for filling a rect with a color. More...
class  GuiFrame
 A simple class, that appears different, if the cursor is above it. More...
class  GuiBorder
 Draws a border at its rect boundaries. More...
class  GuiRadioContainer
 A container class for radio buttons. More...
class  GuiPictureBg
 An object with a picture as background. More...
class  GuiFlowWindow
 A window that can move from a position to another. More...
class  GuiPageControl
 A class for page controls. More...
class  GuiCheck
 A checkbox with a caption. More...
class  GuiRadio
 A radio button with text. More...
class  GuiNumScroller
 A scroller with a text, containing the scroller's value. More...
class  GuiCursor
 A class for showing a simple mouse cursor. More...
class  GuiDropDown
 A drop down list. More...
class  GuiDynamicButton
 A base class for buttons. More...
class  GuiCheckableBtn
 A class for buttons that can be checked. More...
class  GuiRadioBtn
 A class for radio buttons. More...
class  GuiMovableBtn
 A class for buttons that can be moved by the user. More...
class  GuiElement
 Base class for all graphical user interface objects. More...
class  GuiFader
 The class to use for manipulating color appearance. More...
class  GuiFileList
 A class for displaying a listbox containing filenames. More...
class  GuiFlowMenu
 A class for showing a menu that (dis-)appears by flying out of/into the screen. More...
class  GuiHint
 A class to display hints. More...
class  GuiRadioBtn
 A class for radio buttons. More...
class  GuiListBox
 A class for listboxes. More...
class  GuiManager
 Manages 2D graphics functions and user actions. More...
class  GuiMessageBox
 A class for message boxes. More...
class  GuiProgressBar
 A class to display the progress of some calculation. More...
class  GuiRotator
 A class to display rotating pictures. More...
class  GuiScroller
 A class for scrollbars. More...
class  GuiScrollBg
 A class to display a large object in a small area by using scrollbars. More...
class  GuiSurface
 A simple class for reducing the number of blits per frame. More...
class  GuiText
 Displays a text. More...
class  GuiTextInput
 A field, where the user can write text into. More...
class  GuiKeyControl
 Displays a key that can be modified by the user. More...
class  GuiFrameCounter
 Prints the current framerate onto the screen. More...
class  GuiUpDown
 A class, in which the user can enter a number. More...

Detailed Description

Tobias Nadler (nadlerto at gmx dot de) and Georg Schnattinger
The classes of this group are all derived from UiObject. So, as the user interface group, they act as user interface. These classes are all used to display something on the screen.

See also:
User interface

Generated on Wed May 9 17:36:10 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1