
Collaboration diagram for Networking:

This group contains classes and structs for network transfer. More...


file  netmanager.h
 Defines the classes NetManager and NetSimpleManager, MAX_PEERS and NETWORK_PORT.
file  netpeermanager.h
 Defines the class NetPeerManager, PEER_MAX_NAME and PEER_MAX_REASON.
file  netpeersocket.h
 Defines the class NetPeerSocket and MAX_PING.
file  netsocket.h
 Defines the classes NetSocket and NetStandardSocket, FILTER_SERVER, MAX_DATALEN and error codes.
file  netstructs.h
 Several structs for communication via netrinjo's network classes.
file  netthread.h
 Defines the class NetThread.


class  NetBasicManager
 Basic class for managing network transfers. More...
class  NetSimpleManager
 A very simple class, derived from NetBasicManager. More...
class  NetPeerManager
 A peer to peer network managing class, derived from NetBasicManager. More...
class  NetPeerSocket
 A peer to peer network socket class, derived from NetStandardSocket. More...
class  NetSocket
 The basic network socket class. More...
class  NetStandardSocket
 The basic network socket class. More...
class  NetThread
 A class for polling network interfaces regularly. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains classes and structs for network transfer.

testing, looking for errors
Tobias Nadler (nadlerto at gmx dot de)
At first some important notices:

NBO indicates the values being in Network-Byte-Order
OSBO indicates Operating System dependant Byte-Order

Common Net-rules:
A variable of IPaddress always contains it's data in Network-Byte-Order, while the single occurance of a Uint32 host or a int port indicates an OS-dependent Byte-Order.
If a port is an "Uint16"-value, then it should be in NBO, if it is an "int"-value, then it should be in OSBO. If this is not the case, there must be a comment that makes the usage clear.

To use the netrinjo network classes, you have to initialize one class (not more classes) derived from NetBasicManager (NetSimpleManager, NetPeerManager or a class of your own). After that was done you can use functions based on the TCP/IP protocol and make your app to a client, server or both (i.e. needed for peer to peer connections).

Generated on Wed May 9 17:36:10 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1