Todo List

Member BasicSlot::getFunction (const char *name, const char *classname=NULL)
optimise search algorithm (O = log(n) would be nice)

Member BasicThread::lock (Uint32 wait=0)
verify functionality

Member BasicThread::unlock ()
verify functionality

Member GuiClickableBtn::onEnabledChanged (bool enabled)
if enabled then setBtnState(correct state), currently stays normal even if mouse is over element

Member GuiFader::setGamma (Uint32 r, Uint32 g, Uint32 b)
enable inverted colors

Class GuiFlowMenu
Add constructor without xml-usage.

Class GuiForm

Class GuiTextField
this class is unfinished

Member GuiTextField::startMove (int t)

Class NetBasicAdminData
en-/decrypt the password

Member NetPeerManager::onInit ()

Class NetPeerSocket
update onRecieve()!!!

Member NetPeerSocket::fastPing ()
use UDP! Gets the ping to the host immediatelly. This function waits until the host responded the ping request.
the time in msecs, that went over until the response came.
using this function while other network-exchange on the same port with the host will cause errors!
See also:
requestPing, lastPing

Member SdlFileSurface::onRefresh ()
test this (I think it does not function yet) and make it working.

Member SdlFileSurfaces::onRefresh ()
test this (I think it does not function yet) and make it working.

Class SdlFileSurfacesInfo
improve, so that crashs are no more possible, also if the content of the file is really bad.

Member SdlFontSurfaces::onRefresh ()
test this (I think it does not function yet) and make it working.

Class UiFileTheme
create an UiXMLTheme class for reading themes from an XML based format.

Member UiObject::applyTheme (UiTheme *t)
!!!Make applying themes on creation automatically!!!

Member strToRect
verify ',' as separator

Group basic
have to think about it...

Group net
testing, looking for errors

Group sdl

Group ui

Group web
testing, looking for errors

Generated on Wed May 9 17:36:09 2007 for netrinjo by  doxygen 1.5.1