
Collaboration diagram for Webserver:

Some classes for setting up a simple HTTP 1.0 server. More...


file  webfilepage.h
 Defines the class WebFilePage.
file  webforwardpage.h
 Defines the class WebForwardPage.
file  webpage.h
 Defines the class WebPage.
file  webserver.h
 Defines the class WebServer.
file  webstatisticspage.h
 Defines the class WebStatisticsPage.
file  webthread.h
 Defines the class WebThread.


class  WebFilePage
 A class for simple publishing of a file in the web. More...
class  WebForwardPage
 A class for forwarding an URI to another URI. More...
class  WebPage
 The basic class for publishing data in the web. More...
class  WebServer
 The central class of the webserver. More...
class  WebStatisticsPage
 A class for showing game statistics. More...
class  WebThread
 The WebThread class is used to respond on web requests asynchronously. More...

Detailed Description

Some classes for setting up a simple HTTP 1.0 server.

testing, looking for errors
Tobias Nadler (nadlerto at gmx dot de)
These classes can be used to build a HTTP 1.0 webserver, which can be used i.e. to show game statistics, configure the gameserver, ...
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