UiKeyCombination Member List

This is the complete list of members for UiKeyCombination, including all inherited members.

addCombination(SDLKey k, SDLMod m, BasicObject *aim_p, BasicObject::Callback p, BasicObject *aim_r=NULL, BasicObject::Callback r=NULL)UiKeyCombination
getThe()UiKeyCombination [static]
init(TiXmlElement *el)UiKeyCombination
keyPressed(SDLKey k, SDLMod m)UiKeyCombination
keyReleased(SDLKey k, SDLMod m)UiKeyCombination
removeCombination(SDLKey k, SDLMod m)UiKeyCombination
theUiKeyCombination [static]
UiKeyCombination() (defined in UiKeyCombination)UiKeyCombination
~UiKeyCombination() (defined in UiKeyCombination)UiKeyCombination [virtual]

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