Version online
The version 0.8.6 got an update with many bugfixes and some new features.
This version ( is a snapshot of the project's SVN-repository from
7 May 2007.
Version 0.8.6 online
The first alpha-version of the new 0.9 tree is online as source-packet.
Also the first example program is online and a screenshot.
(Version numbers 0.8.6 to 0.8.9 are / will be alpha versions of the version 0.9)
Version 0.9.0 in work
Major changes will be:
- Extended usage of XML: the whole GUI of a simple application can be initialized by a XML file (without hard-coding)
- TinyXml is used for processing XML data
- Signal/Slot handling
- Documentation of all classes
- Some things will no more be compliant to 0.8
Version 0.8.1 released
Major changes are:
- Renamed gui elements: now capital letters, like GuiElement
- added documentation (nearly complete)
- started implementing routines for checking, whether redrawing an element is necessary
More developers needed!
See about for more information.